10 Great British Sci-Fi Movies You've Probably Never Seen

2. Never Let Me Go

Lifeforce 1985
Fox Searchlight Pictures

This film is exceptional, as the wholesome presentation, delicate cinematography and charming performances massively juxtapose the terrifying concept, which drives home the tragedy of the setting. There is this inevitable sense of pain in the film, not just from the fate of the characters but also from their relationships.

Based on the bestselling novel of the same name, Never Let Me Go takes place in an alternative world that sees the children of a boarding school named Hailsham raised for a sinister purpose. It's there you meet Tommy, Kathy and Ruth, a trio of friends who become entwined in a love triangle as they attempt to escape the unfortunate fate heading their way.

Without spoiling it, it's safe to say that the film plays with some tragic concepts of experimentation and commercialism of the human body. These poor characters are in a horrible situation, which cares little for their humanity, as they are slowly bred to become commodities.

As can be expected with such an exceptional cast - Carey Mulligan, Andrew Garfield and Kiera Knightley - the acting is superb, and this helps to give the film heart, despite its pessimism. Seeing these characters grow up and understand the world they live in is equal parts heartbreaking and uplifting.

It's a beautiful experience, which you should definitely seek out.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!