10 Great (But Unexpected) Uses Of Music In Movies

2. (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher (Ghostbusters 2)

Ghostbusters 2 has a plot that sees Vigo the Carpathian (Wilhelm von Homburg), a powerful seventeenth-century tyrant and magician trapped in a painting in the Manhattan Museum of Art, carrying out a scheme that will see him return to life in the body of a child on the stroke of New Year. This coincides with the appearance of a river of pink supernatural mood slime flowing under New York City. On New Year's Eve, a sudden increase of supernatural activity occurs as the slime rises from the subway line and onto the city streets, causing widespread paranormal activity with ghosts attacking citizens, while the slime forms an impenetrable barrier around the museum to protect Vigo as he carries out the procedure required to return him to life. In response, the mayor instructs the Ghostbusters to go to work, but they are unable to breach the museum's tough slime barrier with their proton packs. Determining that they need a symbol of powerful positivity to rally the citizens of New York City and weaken the slime, the Ghostbusters use positively-charged mood slime and a remix of Jackie Wilson's Higher and Higher to animate the Statue of Liberty and pilot it through the streets before the cheering people of NYC. As they arrive at the museum, the slime begins to recede thanks to the positive vibes and they use the Statue's torch to break through the museum's ceiling to attack Vigo and prevent his evil resurrection.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.