10 Great Characters Who Could Replace Marvel Movie Heroes (And Who Should Play Them)

2. Natasha Stark

As if one gender-bent member of Marvel's Big Three wasn't enough, here comes Iron Woman. Seriously, that's her superhero name. Natasha Stark is an alternate-universe Iron Man where Tony was born a woman, and one of the notable differences in the characters' stories is that the female Stark ends up married to Steve Rogers. Best not to delve into the psychological implications of that on 616-Iron Man if you're not up for fan-fiction-esque romantic imagery. All that aside, would a female Iron Man work? Why the hell not: Pepper's had a suit of her own in the comics, as has Black Widow in the Ultimate universe. The only real obstacle (as with any recasting or replacement of major characters) would be in making Natasha as compelling a lead as Tony, which would require a talent equal to that of RDJ to pull off. This one's tougher than most to cast, but many people seem to favour Sandra Bullock for an Iron Woman as she's got both the long history and self-effacing wit that a Stark performance (an adult one, at least) seems to require.
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Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.