10 Great Comic Book Moments That Should Be In A Movie

6. Thanos Gets His Heart Ripped Out

Thanos Heart Removal This is another one that could theoretically happen quite soon (albeit in different circumstances), since it involves Thanos again and it also involves Drax the Destroyer - both of whom are set to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This happened in Annihilation #4, during the Annihilation War in which Thanos had allied himself with the mass-murdering villain Annihilus, who had captured Galactus and various other characters, under the illusion that the ultimate goal was to extinguish all life completely. Annihilus desires the secret of the Power Cosmic and asks Thanos to study Galactus. Once Thanos learns Annihilus' true goal is to use the Power Cosmic to destroy all life and remain the sole survivor, he decides to free Galactus. As Thanos frantically attempts to release Galactus, he is shocked to see Death watching him with a wry smile on her face. Thanos understands exactly what this means just as Drax appears behind him and rips his heart out through his chest. Thanos, who craves death, is not hurt or frightened, but surprised and curious at his impending demise. If this is how Thanos eventually dies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it will be a more than fitting demise for the main villain.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.