10 Great Comic Book Moments That Should Be In A Movie

5. Batman One-Punching Guy Gardner

Batman Punches Gardner This is another that is quite unlikely to happen on screen (unless we get several Green Lanterns from a future Green Lantern movie), as Guy Gardner is never likely to appear as the main Green Lantern, but it would be absolutely superb if it was to happen. Back in the days when Guy Gardner was even more intolerable than he has been in recent years (which is quite the feat, because he's been an incredibly annoying git since his creation), he had a real issue with Batman being the leader of the Justice League International - of which he was a member. For five issues, Guy bitched and moaned about how he thought he should be in charge. Finally, in Justice League International #5, Batman goaded Guy into a fight to settle things between the two. The result is a classic comic book moment in which Batman decks the guy in a single punch. The incident is fondly known as "one punch" and would translate beautifully in a movie.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.