10 Great Comic Book Movie Castings Fans Couldn't Handle

9. Aaron Paul - Ant Man


Kevin Feige claimed that the reason for Paul Rudd being cast in Ant-Man was because he was precisely the kind of person you could see doing somewhat questionable or unsavoury things and yet still find yourself somehow rooting for. Hmmmm, now who have we spent around about six years of our collective lives rooting for as he did, arguably, some pretty shady-ass stuff. That's right, Aaron goddamn Paul.

Jesse Pinkman stands as one of the most sympathetic yet also most corrupt characters in history; one of the most tragic, and yet, at times, one of the most hilarious. Paul could easily fill the pretty large...or rather the small...actually sometimes quite large shoes of Scott Lang.

It's not just Paul's acting chops throughout Breaking Bad but also BoJack Horseman that stand as testament to his ability to fill this role. Todd Chavez provided some of the best goofball lines in recent comedy history and fully embodied the "is he kind of smart or just incredibly stupid/lucky" vibe that Scott Lang has throughout the Ant-Man films. Combine that with Paul's real life charisma and boundless humour and goddamn do you have a winning formula. Yeah, bitch!


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.