10 Great Comic Book Movies You'll Never Watch Again (And Why)

9. Road To Perdition

What It€™s About: Tom Hanks is Michael Sullivan, a mob enforcer who gets into trouble when his son accidentally witnesses a hit. Forced to go on the run after these mobsters kill most of his family in retaliation, he tries to protect his son while simultaneously seeking vengeance upon these killers. Why It€™s Great: Everyone knows Tom Hanks is an incredible actor, but seeing him in this role just showcases what range he has. Beyond him, seeing legend Paul Newman in a comic book movie is hard to top. It's not just the performances though, the entire gangster pic has an incredible look to it, and ultimately everything, from the cinematography to the story, comes together to form an incredibly well-rounded crime thriller. Why You€™ll Never Watch It Again: It€™s just so damn depressing. Obviously in a movie this violent and dark, it€™s not fair to expect a happy ending, but seeing Michael nearly get away clean only to be ambushed and killed in his son's arms is hard to go through all over again. The first time watching, you hope he€™ll find a way out even though you know he might not, but knowing definitively that he won't survive makes it too gut-wrenching to enjoy the proceedings another time.
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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.