10 Great Eco-Horror Films You Need To See

7. The Happening (2008)

Mark Wahlberg The Happening
20th Century Fox

M. Night Shyamalan is known for making films with a supernatural twist, so The Happening is an odd one in his filmography. The Happening follows a high-school science teacher as he tries to protect his family from mass suicides cause by plant life, which have developed an airborne toxin as a defence mechanism against mankind’s mistreatment of them.

It’s the simple Man-versus-Nature tale, a story of malevolent nature with elements of the 1950s sci-fi B movies and it leads the audience to question how sentient plants are, which is a very creepy idea (especially for vegans).

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Victoria is a freelance writer from Northern Ireland. Reader, writer and cinephile, Victoria writes about cinema - mostly horror and Disney - and television. You can find her over at www.read-review-repeat.com and at Banterflix, film reviews with a Norn Iron accent.