10 Great Eco-Horror Films You Need To See

6. Deadly Eyes (1982)

Deadly Eyes 1982
Warner Bros.

Vicious animals are big in Eco-Horror, and with good reason: humans are so sure of our place at the top of the food chain that any indication that animals can rise up and kill us in the thousands gives us the fear. This is exactly what happens in Deadly Eyes.

Adapted from James Herbert’s novel The Rats, Deadly Eyes is a Canadian horror film that revolves around enormous black rats who terrorise and eat the residents of Toronto after consuming contaminated grain. Rats creep us out because they are gothic; everything about them reminds us of death, disease and decay. They are a living embodiment of mankind’s fear of death, making them the perfect subject for an Eco-Horror film.

The fact that they infiltrate a man-made city also attacks humans’ belief that urbanisation has saved them from the savagery of the natural world.

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Victoria is a freelance writer from Northern Ireland. Reader, writer and cinephile, Victoria writes about cinema - mostly horror and Disney - and television. You can find her over at www.read-review-repeat.com and at Banterflix, film reviews with a Norn Iron accent.