10 Great Horror Movies That Need A Modern Reboot

8. Critters

Again with the comedy horror, the 1986 film Critters was directly influenced by the aforementioned Gremlins. Although it didn't achieve anything close to the success of its main inspiration, it still did well enough to spawn three sequels - the third movie being the one that launched the career of a certain Leonardo DiCaprio and the last of which came in 1992 - and was a lot of fun. The series currently has a major cult following and a modern reboot would certainly invoke a fair amount of interest. The movies depict a malevolent race of carnivorous spiky space aliens called Krites. The Krites have the ability to roll into balls and combine into a destructive sphere that can roll across the landscape, as well as an ability to fire their spikes as projectile weapons. Hey, if a reinvigoration of the comedy horror genre is on the cards, Hollywood needs to go the whole hog!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.