10 Great Movie Characters Who Were Totally Butchered By Sequels

10. Steve Stifler - American Wedding

Stifler American Pie Wedding It's a testament to the first two American Pie movies that the writers managed to make a character as detestable as Steve Stifler into somebody that we actually care about, to the point where he even became a semi-icon, and was revered as the breakout character of the entire franchise. By the time the third movie in the series came along, though, the writers (and Sean William Scott, apparently) seemed to lose their grip on what made this character acceptable. That's to say, Steve Stifler was always walking on incredibly thin ice in the "annoying character" department, and in American Wedding, the ice fell through. It's not that Stifler is acting out of character as much as he's like a parody of his former self - Stifler turned up to 11 for no real reason other than "sequel!" What's interesting is how fine the line between funny a*shole and intolerable douchebag really is: American Wedding totally proved that.

All-round pop culture obsessive.