10 Great Movie Villains With Really Dumb Motivations

4. Kylo Ren - Star Wars

Mysterio Motivation

In the new Star Wars movies, a young boy is throwing tantrums for a grandfather he never knew. So while Kylo Ren is a fascinating Sith, his reason for turning is forced (pun intended).

Ben Solo trains as a Jedi under the guidance of Luke Skywalker and we are led to believe that Luke sees evil in his heart and attempts to stamp it out in a rational way. Well, if you consider holding a lightsaber to a sleeping boy’s throat reasonable, anyway.

There’s still time to fix the mistake, but weird daddy issues is a weak way to build Kylo Ren’s credibility. The guy is leading an army against the newly formed Republic and it’s a little strange that the only thing motivating him is a connection to a man he has never met and two men in his life that he destroyed.


I'm a freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Atlanta, Georgia. I write and film on a number of topics. Currently, you can find my work at Dissecting the Director YouTube page, The Binger YouTube page, and WhatCulture.com