10 Great Movies It’s Cool To Hate

8. Watchmen

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Calling a movie too faithful to its source material might seem like an odd criticism but that’s exactly what the haters had to say about Zack Snyder’s Watchmen. Based on Alan Moore’s graphic novel series of the same name – a dark and gritty take on the superhero genre complete with cutting social commentary – Snyder’s movie has been dismissed as too reverent (its altered ending aside) and alienating to non-comic fans.

To give Snyder his dues, he was in a tricky position. Stray too far from the source material and risk pissing off Watchmen fanboys or craft a faithful film and have people pan it as not cinematic enough – a damned if you do, damned if you don’t dilemma.

It’s a bit petty to write off Watchmen on these opinions and it still stands up today as one of the most visually stunning and thought-provoking comic adaptations, the latter being a quality not often found in the comic book movie genre.

Having said this, any critiques of that awkward Hallelujah sound-tracked sex scene are completely understandable.

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