10 Great Movies It’s Cool To Hate

6. The Matrix Reloaded

Avatar Scream
Warner Bros.

Like many a trilogy before and after it, the latter films in The Matrix franchise suffered under the weight of expectation created by its first amazing instalment. Was the trilogy’s second film The Matrix Reloaded as good as the original movie? Probably not, but that doesn’t mean it’s deserving of half the hate it gets.

Much of the flack that Reloaded gets focuses on the fact that it spends far too much time on exposition and waxing philosophically and not enough on actual action. While it’s true there’s a quite a lot of navel-gazing going it’s not necessarily a sad thing for a sci-fi action flick to have a bit of a brain, but the lack of action criticism is silly.

Are we forgetting about that epic freeway chase scene or the so-called ‘Burly Brawl’ scene in which Neo singlehandedly takes on a tonne of Agent Smith replicas? Come on, take the red pill. You know you want to.

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