10 Great Movies Starring Doctor Who Actors You Need To See

8. David Tennant - Fright Night

Fright Night

Movie remakes are a so-so proposition at best. Despite the fact they were the drug of choice for Hollywood execs for a good few years not so long ago, very few of them are actually any good with far more only serving to sully the legacy of their original movies.

Fortunately, 2011’s Fright Night is one of the better ones, updating its 1985 original for the 21st Century and placing its humorous tale of blood suckers in the hands of great actors like Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell and the Tenth Doctor himself, David Tennant.

David Tennant is easily the standout performer in the movie, playing the wonderfully out there role of Peter Vincent. Vincent is a self-proclaimed vampire hunter and expert in all things mystical and spooky. At least, that is what he claims. When we actually meet him, we quickly realise that all of it is just as fake as his rockstar wig and sweet ‘stache and goatee combo.

The movie is funny anyway, but it is Tennant who really provides the comedic chops here. His bad-ass vampire slayer act feels appropriately thin and is quickly torn away in favour of the slightly camp and very sassy spoiled performer who prefers to spend his time drinking and getting laid.

When danger actually presents itself he momentarily fools us by going into Doctor mode before quickly pulling the rug out from under the audience in appropriately cowardly fashion.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.