10 Great Movies Starring The How I Met Your Mother Cast

5. The End Of The Tour (2015) - Jason Segel

Jeff, Who Lives At Home

Following the completion of How I Met Your Mother's final season, Jason Segel took a bold career move and decided to take the role of the late author David Foster Wallace.

The film takes place over five days, when Wallace was famously interviewed for Rolling Stone magazine by David Lipsky (a brilliant Jesse Eisenberg) after the publication of Wallace's epic tome Infinite Jest. During the interview, where the pair talk about everything from identity to fame, love to TV, and Wallace's alcoholism, both Wallace and Lipsky form an unlikely friendship.

Throughout the course of the film, Segel gives his best-ever performance, portraying the late author with care, maturity and thoughtfulness. The film's analysis of life and the human condition is as striking as it is sad, and though the film has a heartbreaking tone throughout, it is nonetheless a sweet and affecting movie that paints the complex figure of Wallace in an affecting and human light.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.