10 Great Movies Starring The How I Met Your Mother Cast

4. Year Of The Carnivore (2009) - Cristin Milioti

Jeff, Who Lives At Home
E1 Entertainment

Before she landed the role of the titular Mother, Tracy McConnell, in seasons eight and nine of HIMYM, Cristin Milioti starred as the lead Year of the Carnivore, a fun and involving rom-com about a woman called Sammy, who hates her job but refuses to quit because she doesn't want to move back in with her parents.

Sammy is quirky and charming, and over the course of the film she meets and falls for Eugene (Mark Rendall), only to be rejected due to her immaturity and lack of sexual experience. She then goes on series of misadventures in hopes of gaining said experience and finding herself.

The humour see-saws between being genuinely funny and totally hit-and-miss, but at the centre of the film Milioti is there, holding your attention and making Sammy's journey all the more enjoyable and sweet. An interesting character study, Year of the Carnivore shows an actor destined for bigger things.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.