10 Great Spoof Movies That Were Actually Hilarious

5. Repossessed

url-2 The Exorcist is wildly held as one of the greatest horror films of all time. Nominated for several Academy Awards, this frightening tale of demonic possession can still give many nightmares even today. Of course, a film held in such high regarded is going to open itself up for parody and that€™s where Repossessed comes in. Veteran spoofer Leslie Nielsen stars in this blatant spoof as Father Jedediah Mayii, a priest who at the beginning of the film casts the devil out of a little girl. Seventeen years later, and the devil is back repossessing the same little girl, who is now a happily married woman. Oh, did we mention that girl is played by Linda Blair, star of The Exorcist? You know a spoof is good when they get the star of the film they are spoofing (or maybe just Linda just needed the work)... either way, Repossessed is sort of a guilty pleasure, complete with a final rock and roll showdown between good and evil where future Governor of Minnesota Jesse €œThe Body" Ventura and future WWE hall of Famer €œMean€ Gene Okerlund call the action. Also, the Pope plays guitar.
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Chris Librizzi is a Stand-Up Comedian from Atlantic City NJ. He has three cats, drinks too much coffee and is an avid Macho Man Randy Savage enthusiast. Dig it. (Dictated but not read) Check Chris out on Facebook and get yourself some free good karma http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Librizzi/417127695030524