10 Great Under The Radar Movies Still To Come In 2016

4. Phantasm: Ravager

The War On Everyone Movie Review
Well Go USA

While The Tall Man never became as iconic as Freddy or Michael Myers, he still has a healthy fanbase. The much-belated Phantasm: Ravager is the fifth and final instalment in the series, which began as an imaginative, low-budget horror flick back in 1979.

While the sequels are a bit of a mixed bag they’re also a lot of fun, and each added to the lore of the franchise. For years it looked like Oblivion was going to be the last instalment, which ended on a massive cliffhanger. Thanks for fans – or phans, as they like to be known – series creator Don Coscarelli secretly filmed a final sequel to wrap up things up.

Combined with a 4K restoration of the original, it’s a good year to a phan of the series. Sadly it’s also bittersweet since the actor who played The Tall Man – Angus Scrimm – passed away earlier in the year. Hopefully, Ravager will be a fitting send off for the actor and the character.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.