10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Star Wars Moments

2. Satine Kryze Accepts Her Fate - The Clone Wars

The Book Of Boba Fett Cad Bane Death

Heading on back to another devastating instance of life slipping away in the arms of a heartbroken entity, and to a moment that left many a Clone Wars die-hard with their hearts in their mouths during Season Six's "The Lawless" episode.

With it again being highly unlikely that the pacifist ruler of Mandalore, Satine Kryze, would find her way out of the Clone Wars unscathed, mostly due to her evident attachment to Obi-Wan Kenobi barely being referenced following on from the animated series, fans suspected the worst as soon as Maul took his arch-nemesis' bae hostage.

And with Kryze no doubt being aware that her beloved would never succumb to the Dark Side and give the unstable Dathomirian what he wanted, it's clear Satine was under no illusions what fateful event was heading her way as the Duchess writhed in pain mid-Force-choke.

As Kenobi is helplessly forced to watch on, Maul impales the love of his life before his very eyes, with the two sharing a heartbreaking moment of realisation as Satine lingers in the air with a Darksaber through her mid section. And knowing there was little either could do about the deadly development, Satine then left her dearest Obi with the devastating revelation of her always loving this tormented Jedi Knight.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...