10 Greatest Body Transformations In Horror Movie History

1. USA USA USA - American Werewolf In London

American Werewolf in London - transformation

The most iconic of all transformation sequences, John Landis' American Werewolf in London changed the game for the horror genre and truly set the bar. The scene in question is so memorable that many know of the film simply due to how awesome the transformation is.

After being attacked by a werewolf whilst on a walking tour, an American college student starts to become his attacker in the comfort of his B & B. A blistering headache comes over him which turns out to be much worse than your average migraine. His fingers start to grow longer and start to bend in unnatural ways, hair sprouts all over his abdomen and his skeletal figure start to alter as he slowly turns into the horrifying beast as Blue Moon by Bobby Vinton calmly plays in the background, contrasting to the frightening images on screen.

The sheer excellence in this scene is through the fact that the transformation between human and wolf is a whole lot scarier than the fully transformed version is. American Werewolf in London holds the crown for the greatest transformation in cinematic history.


Jasper Bushby-Edwards has contributed 1 post since joining in March 2019.