10 Greatest Body Transformations In Horror Movie History

2. Buzz Off - The Fly

American Werewolf in London - transformation
20th Century Fox

Flies are often regarded as one of the most annoying creatures due to their constant buzzing and ruining of perfectly good horseradish and beef sandwiches. But one can’t fathom to imagine how blinking terrifying it would be to look into a mirror and see a 6 foot, 6 legged, bugged eyed beast in their reflection.

Jeff Goldblum plays eccentric scientist Seth Brundle who is close to mastering teleportation but things go sour when he accidentally stumbles into the teleporter at the same time as a fly. Instead of transporting Brundle to a different destination, the fly’s DNA merges with the scientists and this is where one of the most sickening and iconic movie transformations happens as he starts to turn into a half-man, half insect monstrosity.

With David Cronenberg sat in the directing chair it was sure to be a weird and wacky experience and the film is what can only be described as sheer “Cronenberg”. Throughout the narrative viewers watch as Goldblum's physical and mental state starts to become more insect-like and it becomes incredibly difficult to watch due to the sheer emotional toll that is visible through Goldblum’s sublime performance. The ending of the movie is a hard watch due to Goldblum’s transformation into a horrifying monster as finally, the insect genes overcome the human and he is man no more.


Jasper Bushby-Edwards has contributed 1 post since joining in March 2019.