10 Greatest Ever James Bond Stunts

8. Thunderball (1965) - The Jet Pack Escape

Coming from a film that's considered a classic, Thunderball's opening has Bond evading another attack from an assassin before escaping in a soaring triumph that yes, has Bond flying in a jetpack. That's right, reader. Jet. Pack. An early indicator of the kind of occasional sci-fi that Bond would dip into from time to time, it's easily one of the most iconic and beloved gadgets in Bond's sparkling history and one rooted in enough real-world science (though Apple won't be bringing one out next year, let's put it that way) that it seems both plausible and a great hero moment as Bond rises into the skies and into our collective conscious.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.