10 Greatest Film Biopics Of The Last Decade

9. The King's Speech

Tom Hooper's hit ruled the 2011 awards season, scooping up a range of Oscars and BAFTA's including best picture, actor and director. Within this exceptional British tale of bravery and persistence; audiences were able to get a glimpse of King George VI as he'd never been seen before. In order to be able to properly address his adoring public, Lionel Logue, a renowned Australian speech therapist, was enlisted to help stamp out the King's stammer. Sparking up an absolutely charming relationship, Logue prepares King George for his first wartime broadcast on Britain's deceleration of war on Germany in 1939. Colin Firth absolutely smashed it within his portrayal of King George, winning audiences over with that quintessential Firth charm that just screams British monarchy. Geoffrey Rush solidified the award winning chemistry between these two remarkable men, with the great Helena Bonham Carter throwing in some much needed female power into the mix. Hooper did a sublime job of bringing out real emotion within a story of the Royal family; something that has often been attempted but seldom pulled off in such an effortlessly entertainment and refreshing way.

Freelance Film & Entertainment Journalist.