10 Greatest James Bond Villain Lairs

2. Atlantis - The Spy Who Loved Me

Karl Stromberg€™s Atlantis was a huge construction where he could escape the destruction he intended to inflict upon the rest of the world. With a sleek curved design it resembled something of an ocean dwelling create, which was apt considering how it was a lair created to operate completely in water. Atlantis stands out among other lairs simply because of a combination of its unique look, its sheer size and an ability to hide incredibly effectively. It had the ability to float on the water or dive deep below the surface in order to avoid radar and surveillance, a huge advantage to Stromberg who could remain hidden for large periods. Additionally, it had four helipads for transport and could sustain a large population even while completely submerged, making it something of an underwater city. Very few other headquarters in the series would have been able to match Atlantis in its ability to be wholly self-sufficient, making it a true technological marvel. Equally impressive however were its less military focused areas. The complex was filled with impressive looking lounges, dining areas and luxurious rooms that made it seem at times more of a palace than a base. But in-keeping with its primary focus as an evil lair, it also had a large aquarium and a shark tank to dispose of less desirable guests.

A sport, gaming and fiction enthusiast, I particularly enjoy Formula 1, rugby, tennis, athletics and football.