Dr. Nos own headquarters was the very first lair shown in James Bond and it set the bar high from the very beginning. This was far from some simple building hidden away from sight it was an entire island shut off from the rest of the world. There was really no reason for Dr. No to hide as he could stop anyone from coming to the island through combination of force and rumours of dragons. This left him with all the privacy he required to carry out his goals undisturbed. The island also contained a large complex of building that were home to a number of different facilities. As well as a state of the art nuclear reactor and high-tech radio jamming centre there was also a huge aquarium, gorgeous guest rooms, prison quarters and even a bauxite mine. Dr. No himself lived in great comfort, as evidenced by the incredible dining area in which he interrogates Bond. Through a combination of expertly designed practical rooms for carrying out various missions and exquisitely furnished areas for entertaining guests, the Crab Key island Facility was something of a cross between military base and five star hotel. It was able to cater for every need, making it the ultimate lair.