10 Greatest Lord Of The Rings Villains

8. The Balrog

Sauron 1
New Line Cinema

In The Fellowship Of The Ring, Gandalf isn't too keen on going into the Mines of Moria. It soon turns out he has good reason: not only is it filled with orcs and a cave troll, but it's also home to one of the most impressive creatures in Middle Earth, the Balrog.

An ancient demon that the dwarves dug up by accident after mining too deep into the earth, the Balrog doesn't get much screen time, but it does deserve credit for making Gandalf say one of the most famous lines in the trilogy with 'You shall not pass!'

It also manages to cause the breaking of the fellowship when it drags Gandalf down from the bridge of Khazad-dum.

The Balrog is also responsible for Gandalf coming back as Gandalf the White as the strain of defeating the powerful demon drains his powers and he is regenerated in his new colour so his task of guarding Middle Earth can be completed.


Huge fan of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Watches anything with Liam Neeson in it.