10 Greatest Movie Brotherhoods Of All Time

8. The Hangover

In a film where one of its main characters gets knocked out in one punch by Mike Tyson, you know that it's going to be quite ridiculous. The concept of a film based around a wild stag party is hardly new, but the novel method in which The Hangover approaches the drunken weekend is what makes it so memorable. Instead of showing a group of late twenties, early thirties men get drunk, act like tits and tie the groom to a lamp post, The Hangover presumes you know all of that happens and instead shows you the end result of being extremely drunk - which is infinitely more entertaining. Unable to remember where they left the groom the night before, the remaining members of the film's characters set out to try and retrace their steps around Las Vegas to try and remember what they did with him in their drunken stupor. Alcohol isn't entirely to blame though. With their drinks being spiked with rohypnol the night before, the remaining gang wake to find their hotel room in complete disarray. With a tiger, chicken and baby now living with them, they proceed to piece together exactly what happened the night before. You know you've had a wild night when you can't even remember losing a tooth.

Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.