10 Greatest Villains From Otherwise Disappointing Movies

7. M. Bison - Street Fighter

Bison Street Fighter
Columbia Pictures

The Disappointing Movie: Though this video game adaptation offered action aplenty, it was so prolific that there was barely any time for story, and when there were any development, they were often campy and trite.

The Great Villain: In what would be Raul Julia’s final film role, it’s a good thing that he went out with a bang. Starring as the vaguely Eurasian General M. Bison in the overstuffed martial arts fest, Julia is literally the sole redeeming feature of this video game adaptation.

His boring plan of ransoming some aid workers becomes immediately overshadowed by Julia’s showy performance and his disdain for the heroes around him. Whereas Bison's plans were ridiculous, his character was oh so enjoyable.

Put simply, this movie was terrible. The plot was nonsensical and the entire thing was riddled with ridiculous dialogue, and yet, Julia’s M. Bison seemed to be the only character to recognize just how ridiculous the world around them was. Doing the best he could with the material, Julia treated it with respect and gave us a perfect amount of camp. If the rest of the cast had matched his performance, Street Fighter might have left a much different cinematic legacy.

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Raul Julia
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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.