10 Gross Out Comedy Scenes That Made You Lose Your Lunch

6. Problem Child 2 (1991) €“ Crazy Dance

problem child The sequel to the 1990 hit, Problem child, further follows the havoc caused by Junior (Michael Oliver); a child who was orphaned and later adopted, in the first film, by the Healy family. This second film follows the newly divorced father, Ben Healy (John Ritter) and Junior settling into a new area. At a carnival, Junior wants to go on the ride called the €˜Crazy Dance€™ but is too short to ride. Whilst his dad tries to cheer him up with the promise of a candy apple, the school bully, Murph (Eric Edwards), who was behind him in the queue, taunts him. Throughout the two films, Junior has been known for his mischief and this scene is no exception. To get revenge, he sneaks under the mechanisms of the ride and turns the speed up. High. The ride moves faster and faster and the kids are forced back into the chairs at the impressive speed. Lights flash past in a blur and one child, Trixie (Ivyann Schwan), shouts that she€™s going to puke. This starts them all off: streams of vomit leave each child€™s mouth, most splattering onto the bully Murph, as he gets his comeuppance. As soon as Murph himself throws up, the scene kicks up a notch. The sick stream splatters all over the watching parents, who in turn start to throw up. Everyone is vomiting on everyone. And everyone is covered in it. It€™s disgusting (and a little unnecessary) but at least the vomit itself doesn€™t look very realistic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGSTP2XEFzM
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Hayley is a twenty year old student, studying Creative Writing and Sociology at the University of Winchester. In her spare time she writes her novel, sings in a musical theatre choir and goes to the gym. For her creative writing blog: http://hayleymay1993.tumblr.com Or follow her on twitter: @miss_hayley_may