10 Gross Out Comedy Scenes That Made You Lose Your Lunch

3. Monty Python€™s The Meaning Of Life (1983) €“ Mr. Creosote

mr cresote Unlike the two preceding films by the Monty Python team, Monty Python€™s The Meaning Of Life goes back to the sketch comedy format seen in their television series. The film is divided into sections, each representing a stage of life. This scene takes place in €˜The Autumn Years€™ and follows an extremely fat man, Mr Creosote (Terry Jones), ordering in a posh restaurant. Upon entering, he tells the very polite Mâtre d€™ (John Cleese) that he "better get a bucket" because he is going to throw up. Once Mr Creosote is at his table, the bucket is placed beside him. He turns and vomits but misses the bucket completely, instead spraying the floor. He continues to empty his stomach everywhere; the floor, on his own shoulder and on the menu. Of course, the other customers are looking on in disgust, as is anyone watching. Mr Creosote orders everything on the menu and copious amounts of beer and wine. Yet he still continues to throw up. He stuffs his face with every last meal he ordered, food drooling in liquid form out of his fat lips. Finally, once the table is piled with empty dishes and bottles, Mr Creosote admits that he is full: declining the offer of a mint from the Mâtre d€™. However, he is insistent and Mr Creosote accepts the mint. The Mâtre d€™ places it on his tongue, wishes him €˜bon appetite€™ and runs. Ominous music plays and a look of horror fills Mr Creosote€™s face. His vast stomach begins to expand further and further, knocking over the table and popping open the buttons on his suit. Then a huge bang! And the lovely, posh restaurant and all of its customers are covered in his combined vomit and entrails. He€™s not dead though, still sat in his chair a carcass in a suit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aczPDGC3f8U
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Hayley is a twenty year old student, studying Creative Writing and Sociology at the University of Winchester. In her spare time she writes her novel, sings in a musical theatre choir and goes to the gym. For her creative writing blog: http://hayleymay1993.tumblr.com Or follow her on twitter: @miss_hayley_may