10 Harry Potter Movie Changes That Went Too Far

7. Cutting Out Dudley’s Redemption

Wormtail Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Make no mistake—from the opening frames of the first film through to the rest of the entire film series, Harry’s primary guardians the Dursleys are a reprehensible brood.

Rude, uncaring, and outright abusive to the poor bespectacled sod, they’re the sort of villainous family we all love to hate, from the contemptible patriarch to his nagging wife to their spoiled son.

Which is why it’s so unfortunate that the film adaptations cut out the brief redemption of Dudley, the youngest Dursley, as he apologizes for his mistreatment of Harry in a scene both poignant and cathartic.

Guess they needed to save that celluloid for Harry and Hermione dancing to Nick Cave.

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