10 Heroically-Aligned Actors Who Need To Play Movie Villains

5. Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig Daniel Craig has played a fair few villains over the course of his career, but none that were really notable enough to supplant him as a memorable bad guy in the minds of movie-goers - this guy is James Bond by default, after all. Which is why, of course, it'd be both shocking and brilliant for the English actor to take on the role of a bad guy at this stage in his career, right smack bang inbetween Bond flicks. Best of all, nobody will be expecting it. There's a dark side to Daniel Craig that we've all glimpsed at points in amongst a few of his performances, but I think audiences would really relish the chance to see this guy playing somebody who wasn't a cool protagonist or loveable anti-hero, but a full-on nutcase, screaming orders at henchman and strangling his mistress "just because." Craig hasn't played a villainous character for eight years; it seems like now is as good a time as any to break the mould.

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