10 Hidden Details In Movie Closing Scenes

8. Lost In Translation - What Bob Harris Actually Said

Momentum Pictures

Sofia Copolla's brilliant 2003 comedy drama Lost in Translation ended on one of the most weirdly satisfying cliff-hangers we'd seen in a long time.

The director's decision to have Bob Harris (Bill Murray) whisper a barely audible message into Charlotte's (Scarlett Johnasson) ear before the pair shared a passionate kiss was an inspired way of ending the film, as it allowed the audience to fill in the blanks themselves.

Yet, it was only a matter of time before an invested fan went out of their way to decipher the message.

After this one particular YouTuber enhanced the lines, Harris can clearly be heard saying 'I have to be leaving, but I won't let that come between us, okay?' Charlotte then replies with, 'Okay.'

So, there you have it, folks.

Does this mean that the pair eventually hooked up back in the U.S.? Well, unless a Lost in Translation 2 hits our screens in the near future, that much is still unclear. Yet, at least we now know that Harris wasn't just mumbling nonsensically into Charlotte's ear before he gave her a big smooch on the lips.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...