10 Hidden Details That Make Horror Movies Even Scarier

8. Goodnight Mommy - Fire, Walk With Me

Oculus movie
Ulrich Seidl FIlm

This is one of the more overt scares on this list, but it gets a place because I and others still managed to miss it on first viewing.

Goodnight Mommy is a psychological gem from 2014, focusing on a mother returning home to her child after undergoing facial reconstruction surgery. Her son worries the person who's come back isn't actually his mum, and tensions between the two escalate. In the end, it's revealed that it's not the mother we should have been worried about at all, but rather the son, who has been influenced by the ghost of his brother who died before the start of the flick.

The horror climaxes with the house they're all in burning down and the mother in particular dying a horribly painful death.

One of the final scenes is a long shot of the house going up in flames, as the fire department arrives. The thing is, in this scene you actually see the ghost of the mother walk out the burning building to the left of the frame without anybody noticing.

It's something you can totally miss on first viewing, as your eyes skirt around the shot, following the truck away from her entrance. Once you know she's there you can't miss it, but it certainly adds an extra creepy dimension to the bloody finale.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3