10 Hidden DVD & Blu-Ray Horror Movie Easter Eggs You Need To Find

6. Jesse's Ultimate Goal - Predator

The Ring Video

Despite being one of the most testosterone-loaded movies ever made, John McTiernan's Predator somehow never loses sight of the fact it's also a deeply unsettling, brilliantly taught horror film.

The movie's two-disc Collector's Edition includes a strange-yet-fascinating Easter egg in the "Inside the Predator" menu. Move the cursor upwards and the Predator's distinctive three-dot aiming reticule will land next to the movie's own title.

Press select and you'll be treated to a two-minute video called "Jesse's Ultimate Goal," in which star Jesse Ventura - who played self-professed "sexual tyrannosaurus" Blain in the film - discusses his wider ambitions, to be known as more than a wrestler and even work with Robert De Niro one day.

The clip also includes more recent interviews with his co-stars Shane Black (who went on to direct the rancid 2018 Predator reboot) and Carl Weathers, who discuss the fact that Ventura went on to serve as the Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003.

Ventura sadly hasn't ever worked with De Niro, but the clip is worth it alone to hear him dunking on Hulk Hogan's inability to diversify outside of the squared circle.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.