10 Hidden MCU Details You Never Noticed

1. Infinity War - Preparing For Battle

The opening of Avengers Infinity War is one of the most ominous starts in the entire MCU. From the moment that the title card comes onscreen, you know that something serious is about to go down as Bruce Banner intones that "Thanos is coming." Though it takes a bit for us to check in with all of the Avengers, there's a weird detail that comes with Robert Downey Jr.'s arrival.

As he finishes up his morning exercise routine with Pepper, Stark is notified that he has to come with Dr. Strange to touch base with Bruce. Once Tony takes it all in, Banner lays out everything he knows, including mentioning that Thanos was behind the attack in New York in the first Avengers movie. Recognizing the severity of what's about to happen, you can see Tony slowly start to do stretches.

While you can easily just blame this on his morning run, there's a bit more to it than just being a proper cooldown. As he starts to do more stretches, you start to realize Stark's PTSD from Iron Man 3 is starting to kick in, almost as if he is just now realizing that this is the fight of his life that he has waited for years to encounter. Even though Thanos had been a presence in the MCU for a while now, this little detail showed that it was finally time to be prepared for anything.


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