10 Hidden Meanings Of Famous Movie Scenes

7. Jay Has Accepted Her Fate - It Follows

Inception Leo Walking
RADiUS-TWC/Dimension Films

It Follows allows for all kinds of interpretations of the central idea; it’s basically a story about a sexually transmitted demon, so the subtext is rife. The movie ends with the main character Jay having seemingly killed her supernatural stalker, though she – and the viewer – are far from certain.

The last shot finds her and her new love walking down a street, and seen behind them in the distance is a figure slowly walking their way. The obvious implication is that it’s the demon, but it could also just be a bloke going for a stroll; it’s open to the viewers to decide, because there is no wrong answer.

Like Inception though, most tend to miss the point of this scene; Jay doesn’t care. She’s no longer terrified or panicked, she’s just going to enjoy the time she has left. Many see It Follows as a metaphor for the fear of death teens have growing up, and the ending suggests Jay has made peace with it.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.