10 High Grossing 2015 Films That Actually Made No Profit

5. Fantastic Four

Production Budget: $120,000,000 Worldwide Gross: $167,977,596 Estimated Losses: $72,022,404 The biggest misconception about this year's Fantastic Four reboot is that it was the biggest box office bomb of 2015. While it was a bomb - it's the first movie on this list to lose more than $50 million - it wasn't close to being the biggest bomb of this year. With that said, Fox is obviously far from happy about how Fantastic Four performed. The studio had big plans for the reboot, including a future crossover with its mega-successful X-Men franchise. Considering that the Fantastic Four had a troubled production, awful word of mouth, and terrible reviews, it's a wonder that it actually made over $160 million in theatres. But because Fantastic Four only made $56 million at the U.S. box office, it had no chance of turning a profit. Even worse than the losses is the fact that Fantastic Four is now a damaged property that Fox won't be able to make sequels to or reboot again for years because of all the negative publicity surrounding this box office failure.

Chris McKittrick is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and has spoken about film and comic books at conferences across the United States. In addition to his work at WhatCulture!, he is a regular contributor to CreativeScreenwriting.com, MovieBuzzers.com, and DailyActor.com, a website focused on acting in all media. For more information, visit his website at http://www.chrismckit.com.