10 Highest-Grossing Movies Of 2017 (So Far) - Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Kong: Skull Island

Logan Hugh Jackman

Based on the trailers alone, it was obvious that Kong: Skull island was going to deliver exactly what it promised; an A-list cast caught in the middle of giant monsters beating the sh*t out of each other. And boy, did it deliver on that front.

Making it a period-set piece is a smart idea, as it can establish the rules of the world without falling into the pitfalls of the 'shared universe' concept, despite its well-known connection to Godzilla as part of Legendary's 'MonsterVerse'. The action is massive in scale, with director Jordan Vogt-Roberts and his gigantic beard seamlessly making the leap from inexperienced indie filmmaker to director of crowd-pleasing studio features.

Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, John Goodman, Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Reilly and Richard Jenkins is the kind of cast you'd expect to see in an awards-baiting drama, not a $185m monster movie and they help elevate the material above its B-movie roots an into entertaining summer blockbuster.

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