10 Hilarious Movie Gags Everyone Missed

2. Wally/Waldo's Corpse Has A Split-Second Cameo - Apocalypto

Apocalypto Waldo
Buena Vista

Mel Gibson's wildly underrated historical epic Apocalypto may be a mostly-serious, intensely violent chase thriller, but that didn't stop Gibson from including a light-hearted Easter egg in the movie.

After including a single still image of his own grinning, cigarette-smoking face in the film's first teaser trailer, the final movie itself contains a far more bizarre and potentially immersion-breaking gag.

As protagonist Jaguar Paw (Rudy Youngblood) is forced to traverse a sea of corpses, for a fraction of a second it's possible to see Wally of Where's Wally? fame - or Waldo, as he's known stateside - hanging out in the pile with an arrow sticking through his head.

Hilariously, Gibson doesn't just hide Wally in a wide shot somewhere: it's a mid-shot where Wally's iconic colours are easily identifiable.

But if you so much as blink, let alone look away to check your phone, it's easily missed. Due to the offense felt by some, the shot was actually cut from Apocalypto's original DVD release, though eventually restored for the Blu-ray.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.