10 Hilarious Movie Gags Everyone Missed

3. The Nova Corps List Peter Quill As "Space-Lord" - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy Star Lord Chris Pratt
Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the MCU's funniest movies to date, jam-packed to the gills as it is with boundary-pushing one-liners, knowing performances, and also a number of fleeting sight gags.

When Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) and the other future Guardians are arrested by the Nova Corps early in the film, they're all given exposition-heavy introductions by Rhomann Dey (John C. Reilly).

And when it comes to Quill aka Star-Lord, the on-screen data briefly displays his name as "Space-Lord," hilariously reiterating just how thoroughly inconsequential and disrespected he is at the start of the movie.

The text appears for barely three seconds, and it's easily missed given that the audience's eye is most likely focused on Quill cranking his middle finger at the Nova Corps. Once you notice it, though, hilarity ensues.

It's all the more amusing considering that, in the movie's first trailer, the text actually read, "Starlord," before presumably James Gunn had it changed during post-production.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.