10 Hilariously Awful Cry-Faces That Ruined Moving Scenes

4. Claire Danes - Romeo and Juliet

Claire Danes is probably the undisputed queen of the ridiculous cry-face. There has rarely been someone so lampooned, disparaged, and occasionally celebrated for this particular facet of their acting. Hell, there is even an official "Claire Danes Cry Face Project" page on Tumblr; her tear-stained mug is that infamous. One of Danes' early roles illuminates the reasons behind this rabid following. During the climax of Baz Luhrmann's opulent adaptation of Romeo & Juliet, which of course features the two youths offing themselves, Danes' cry-face makes a brief but memorable appearance, all but ruining the finale in the process. As Juliet wakes up to find that Romeo has poisoned himself next to her, Danes lets loose with a jarring, volcanic sob, which rips out of her in the way similar to a tot being awoken early from a much needed nap. Now, to her credit, Danes is actually a good actress, whose expressive face has often served her well. Yet, there is such a thing as being too expressive at times. This moment, which sees her face look like it's about to literally explode, is a great example of this.

Adam Mohrbacher has been afflicted with an obession for film since his earliest memories. In addition to his work with WhatCulture, Adam has been a contributor with Filmophilia.com, FilmMonthly.com and Examiner.com. You can also check out his personal blog here: adammohrbacher@wordpress.com. A devoted fan of all film genres and styles, Adam gets equally giddy over the sensitive, existential musings of Ingmar Bergman, and the brawny brilliance of Arnold Schwartzenegger. He loves fish tacos and misses the work of Heath Ledger and Jack Lemmon on a daily basis.