10 Hilariously Awful Performances In Great Films

2. Sylvester Stallone - Rocky

The rags-to-riches story in the 1976 classic sports drama Rocky was in a sense mirrored by the film's creators - from a budget of around $1 million, the movie went on to rake in over $200 million at the box office and spawn a host of increasingly inferior sequels. Launching the career of action hero Sylvester Stallone, amazingly the muscly actor earned himself an Oscar nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role - as entertaining as Rocky certainly is, part of its charm lies in Stallone's rather awful performance. The evidence for its general badness is clear when you watch anything else he stars in - Stallone, it is clear, can't act. He simply plays himself. Still, ostensibly playing himself in every single movie he's appeared in for the last few decades hasn't exactly hurt his box office appeal - or bank account - so we're sure Stallone isn't complaining.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.