10 Hilariously One Sided Hollywood Sibling Rivalries

5. Rob Lowe Vs Chad Lowe

Lowes Rob Lowe is best known for being a member of the so called "brat pack" in the 1980s, before earning a starring role on acclaimed TV series The West Wing, working on Brothers and Sisters, and most recently playing Chris Traeger on Parks and Recreation (as well as being a bloody handsome dude). He has been nominated for 5 Golden Globes, most recently for his hilarious performance in Steven Soderbergh's Behind the Candelabra. His younger brother Chad, an almost equally handsome guy, hasn't had a bad career by any means, though is probably best remembered (ironically) for being forgotten in his ex-wife Hilary Swank's Oscar acceptance speech for Boys Don't Cry. Chad has, however, won an Emmy for his role as an HIV-afflicted man in the show Life Goes On, and has had stints on a number of high profile shows such as Melrose Place, ER, and 24. In terms of theatrical work, however, he hasn't starred in a significant film since 2002's Unfaithful.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.