10 Hollywood Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe People Take Seriously

2. Bruce Lee: Undercover Cop

Bruce_Lee_game-of-death-600x300 Expertly captured in The Office (UK), head IT geek (played by the excellent Matthew Holness ) explains to equally mega loser Gareth that Bruce Lee isn't actually dead. No, he simply faked his own death to work undercover for the Chinese police force to infiltrate the Triads. Bruce Lee may have been an expert on Martial Arts, yet to avoid limelight and fame, like so many on this list, he faked his own death in order to become a valuable commodity for the Hong Kong police force. Unfortunately for lovers of Bruce, this theory seems to spiral from their love for the man. The yearn and want for his legacy to continue long beyond his demise far out weights the reality that he died a tragic age when he was on top of his game. True? As Tim replies to such a claim in The Office; 'Yeah 'cos if you were gonna send someone undercover to investigate the Triads you'd probably want the world's most famous Chinese film star.' - Enough said really.
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...