10 Hollywood Stars Who Got REALLY Angry When They Didn't Win An Oscar

1. Samuel L. Jackson

It could be the most famous Oscar rejection moment of all time. It's certainly the thing most people think of when they think of Samuel L. Jackson at the awards.

Despite being starring in some legendary pictures over the years, Jackson has received one measly Oscar nomination and that was for Pulp Fiction in 1995.

At the ceremony, the five nominees for Best Supporting Actor were all on screen when Martin Landau's name was read out. As the Ed Wood star celebrated with his loved ones, eagle-eyed viewers caught Jackson very obviously mouthing a very naughty word.

Clue - it rhymes with the second half of "True Grit."

Now we all know Sam Jackson loves a swear, but this was definitely not the time or the place.

He seems to be over it now, giving multiple interviews where he's said that he doesn't really care about Oscars anymore. Then again, he also said in 2022 that he should have won for Pulp Fiction.

Do you care, or don't you? Make up your mind.

Even if Jackson never wins another award as long as he lives, he gave us a moment that will live in the history of the Oscars for longer than any win ever could.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.