10 Hollywood Stars Who Got REALLY Angry When They Didn't Win An Oscar

7. Bill Murray

Bill Murray Oscars
The Academy

From crashing a couple's engagement photoshoot to giving an impromptu press conference about baseball at the White House, Bill Murray is no stranger to doing whatever the hell he likes.

The Ghostbusters star was at the 2004 Oscars with high hopes of winning Best Actor. He'd just given the performance of a lifetime as a lonely middle-aged man in the desperately beautiful Lost in Translation, aka the kind of role The Academy absolutely adores.

Not even wistful shots of downtown Tokyo were enough to nab Billy the prize, as he lost out to Sean Penn for the movie Mystic River.

Anyone remember that? Nope, didn't think so.

The other nominees - including Johnny Depp, who was up for Pirates of the Caribbean, of all things - all politely applauded Penn for his work. Not Murray though. Of course not.

He just sits there, brazenly rejecting any sort of social norm or nicety as he the rest of the venue claps. He looks completely and utterly done, with the face of a man who, well, just lost an Oscar to Sean Penn for a film nobody can remember.

Fair play.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.