10 Horrendously Cringeworthy Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedy Scenes

6. Tony Stark Pees In His Armour (Iron Man 2)

In Iron Man 2, Tony Stark has a big birthday bash where he gets incredibly drunk - thanks largely the the fact that his arc reactor is slowly poisoning him and he thinks it will be his last birthday. He gets up on the microphone in his luxury home to deliver a speech to his guests, whilst quite obviously inebriated. During his speech, he says to his guests that the question he gets asked most often is people asking him how he manages to go to the bathroom whilst wearing his Iron Man armour. Subsequently, he proceeds to close his eyes and remains silent for a few seconds, before saying €œjust like that€ , having taken a pee right there and then. Again, this is one of those scenes that we laughed at to begin with - mostly due to how out of the blue it came - but cringe when watching now due to its pretty vulgar nature.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.