10 Horrendously Cringeworthy Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedy Scenes

5. Jackson Pollock Painting (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

Guardians of the Galaxy was very on point and really hit the spot when it came to comedy. It got away with quite a lot of material that would have been completely unsuitable and out of place in other comic book movies, by virtue of the very concept of the movie was ludicrous to begin with. So, this entry isn't due to the fact that the scene in question wasn't funny - it's simply down to the fact that the material actually made us cringe in an "ewwww" kind of way. When the titular team first boarded Peter Quill's Milano (a spacecraft so named because of director James Gunn's childhood crush on actress Alyssa Milano), Gamora commented that it was dirty. Quill replied that she had no idea, saying "if I had a blacklight, this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting". This of course is a reference to the fact that he had previously had a lot of sexual encounters in said vehicle and suggested that there would be evidence of that fact under a blacklight. Kids wouldn't understand that - and that's why it was fine in the movie - but for those of us who knew it meant there were probably traces of semen all over the ship, it made us cringe as well as laugh.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.